The benefits of subscribing to the newsletter

Industry news and community updates

Subscribing to the e-newsletter will ensure you are up-to-date with the latest information in the industry, which is especially useful if you do not have the capacities to browse different news sources daily.

Tips, events and inspiration

Selected articles or industry-relevant news are always included in the newsletter. In addition, a digest of news and updates from our partner network and a list of upcoming events can also be regularly found in the newsletter.

New features and updates from byrd

All important updates are communicated through the newsletter. We are constantly improving our services and new features are being added regularly. By subscribing, readers will be informed of important changes.

Point-blank connection with byrd

The majority of companies are using newsletter as a one-way channel. We use it to build relationships and to establish a dialogue with our readers. Consider the newsletter as a direct contact line for your feedback and suggestions.